Eid is an overall celebration and festivity for Muslims. During the schedule year there are two Eid's that are commended by Muslims. In Arabic Eid means “Carnival”. Eid ul Fitr, which signifies "celebration to break the quick", is toward the finish of the sacred month of Ramadan wherein Muslims quick for an entire month.
The festival just brings a wonderful glory to the trivial monochromatic life of every day Gifts give indescribable joy. Among the religious festivals celebrated by the Muslim community, Eid is claimed to be the best festival for many reasons. Muslims call Eid a festival of liberation.The word Eid means happy, So Eid is a festival of joy and liberation.This holy Eid festival is based on the great virtue of man,Who the worshiper of truth. Eid means happy joyous festival. This festival is held twice a year. Ramadan fasting in the Islamic lunar month. Eid-ul-Fitr is the Eid celebration that takes place after the fasting month of Ramadan in the lunar month of Islam.The Eid which falls on the 10th day of the last month of the lunar year is called Bakrid or Iduzzoha. In common parlance, many call this Eid the Eid of Sacrifice. Iduzzoha is held in the month of Jilhaj. This episode is extremely important as a commemorative event in the history of the Arab and Jewish nations. Abraham is a prophet, A prophet is a great man sent by God. Abraham had two sons, Ishfaq and Ishmael. Ishfaq and Ishmael are the ancestors of Jews and Arabs, respectively.It is said that God once gave Abraham strict instructions to take the entrance test, It is prophesied that Abraham would carry a knife in his throat to sacrifice his beloved son Ishmael to God. According to the Jews, Ishfaq, Through that prophecy God told Abraham that the Son no longer needed to be sacrifice. The alternative is called divine power. Then Ibrahim sacrificed that lamb.Remembering this, Muslims observe the Iduzzoha episode with utmost devotion, reverence and devotion.
Eid-ul-Fitr is basically a festival of charity. Eid is beautiful in the ideal of great sacrifice. Fasting for 30 days and praying regularly, If you don't donate, that person's fast or prayers have no value In the court of God. The reason for this strict religious instruction regarding this donation.Every person will follow the establishment of equality and justice in the society by helping the needy orphaned widows by donating as much as he can. This rule is universal. Islam says that "I will share happiness and sorrow for all, brother and sister. This is the essence of both Eids"
This Eid-ul-Fitr festival is celebrated and will be held forever according to the ideals of the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) who rescued his son from the clutches of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. The purpose of the Eid-ul-Fitr festival is more profound. Hazrat Ibrahim Nabi that. The great teaching of the ideal of sacrifice, such as the example of giving away one's possessions, is celebrated as the Eid-ul-Fitr festival. Eid is the lesson of giving all the world in the way of the Lord. Where is his comparison elsewhere? This sacrifice is not only the beast of the forest but also the beast of the mind. Harmful instincts need to be suppressed with the help of sacrifice.There is some social learning in every festival. Eid festival. His is no exception. Eid festival teaches people to love. Society composes the glands of union in life. If we remember the joy of Eid even at the end of the festival throughout the year, if we can spread the teaching of Eid reunion and love among all, then the Eid festival will be successful. As we know India is a secular country , many people with many religion, with different cast and rituals. But in India also Eid celebrated with joy and prosperity. after ending the morning Namaz people are getting themselves with warm hug and wishing is a very happy Eid. Eid is celebrated in various country in this occasion of love we are providing you Eid Mubarak messages, Eid mubarak quotes, Eid mubarak wishes, Eid mubarak SMS wishes greetings. share it with your friends and family and spread the love among the people around you. Happy Eid Mubarak 2020
Eid Mubarak Messages & Greetings
With my full love I wishes you very happy Eid Mubarak
From the bottom of my heart we wishes you Eid Mubarak
I deliver a warm upcoming belated belated Eid Mubarak to you and your family
You are awarded a bouquet of good deeds, a vase of blessing, a parachute of glad itdings for completing the hole Ramadan. Eid Mubarak
May the noor of this eid illuminate your heart, mind soul and may all your prays be answered remember me in your prayers. Eid Mubarak